The percentage of Christian youth who leave the church after high school is over 50% and growing every year. Many college professors identify themselves as atheists and view evangelical Christian students unfavorably. The priority of faith in their life is now their own personal decision.  And with greater freedom, more choices and less accountability, church often falls to the bottom of the stack.

A great Campus Ministry experience can keep students active in their faith and enable them to grow even stronger. Successful Campus Ministry programs provide opportunities to serve and form community, educate, and develop leadership skills. We want to help Christian students with their personal faith life and their college campus ministry programs. This web app provides a useful collection of functions which enable groups to define, communicate, plan and schedule tasks, priorities, events and more.

Study Group Organizer – This feature will permit group members to create online study groups. They can share class notes and links to online resources, schedule group meetings and build electronic flash cards.

Leadership Formation Tools – Plan, set up, track, and evaluate custom training, service and leadership goals for staff, volunteers and student leaders.

Smart Calendar – Plan, schedule and track assignments, projects, meetings and events in a group calendar. View events from affiliate college group calendars. Automate group email reminder notifications for deadlines, events and activities.

Group Supplies and Service Requests – Announce, list and track equipment, materials, supplies, and meals you need for upcoming meetings and events. Also list and track speakers, teachers, drivers, cooks, technicians, musicians, artists and other volunteer services you need.

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports – This is where members can ask their group and affiliate communities to pray with them for special needs. This is also where members can tell everyone how those prayers were answered.

Regional Event Planning – Plan and promote special events with affiliate college communities.

Outreach Ministry – A separate area for long term projects such as mission trips or soup kitchens. These areas can each have their own mission statement and any of the other website features.

Safe Ride Sharing – This GPS enabled feature enables students heading home to share their home town zip codes and find other students in their group or affiliate groups who live nearby or share part of the same route home.

Books to Buy, Sell or Trade – Students can post free Craig’s List style classified ads.

Donations and Pledges – Add fund raising drives for charitable needs in your community to your website and promote them with the Promotion Publisher.

Custom Surveys and Polls – Create quick questionnaires to gather information, test ideas, rank priorities, or just find out who is actually planning to attend an event. Even send them to affiliate member groups.

Multimedia eCards – Select from hundreds of custom made designs from silly to serious with artwork, animation, music, and sound effects. You can personalize them with your text and send them automatically (like birthday cards) or individually.

Resource Directory – This is where you save and categorize bookmarks, favorites and links to special web resources endorsed by your ministry team.

Media Reviews – This is an area where students and ministry leaders can give their opinions on the latest movies, TV shows, video games and music.

Alumni – A blog page to stay connected with alumni members.

Subscriptions – Subscribe to news feeds from affiliate partners and traditional internet news outlets. Create and broadcast your own news articles and creative publications.

Mission Statement Declaration – Here groups can build a strong statement that tells everyone the purpose of your group and what you believe. Browse uploaded mission statements from other groups for ideas and inspiration.


Campus Ministry

The percentage of of Christian youth who leave the church after high school is over 50% and growing every year. Many college professors identify themselves as atheists and view evangelical Christian students unfavorably. The priority of faith in their life is now their own personal decision.  And with greater freedom, more choices and less accountability, church often falls to the bottom of the stack.

A great Campus Ministry experience can keep students active in their faith and enable them to grow even stronger. Successful Campus Ministry programs provide opportunities to serve and form community, educate, and develop leadership skills. We want to help christian students with their personal faith life and their college campus ministry programs. This web app provides a useful collection of functions which enable groups to define, communicate, plan and schedule tasks, priorities, events and more.

Study Group Organizer – This feature will permit group members to create online study groups. They can share class notes and links to online resources, schedule group meetings and build electronic flash cards.

Leadership Formation Tools – Plan, set up, track, and evaluate custom training, service and leadership goals for staff, volunteers and student leaders.

Smart Calendar – Plan, schedule and track assignments, projects, meetings and events in a group calendar. View events from affiliate college group calendars. Automate group email reminder notifications for deadlines, events and activities.

Group Supplies and Service Requests – Announce, list and track equipment, materials, supplies, and meals you need for upcoming meetings and events. Also list and track speakers, teachers, drivers, cooks, technicians, musicians, artists and other volunteer services you need.

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports – This is where members can ask their group and affiliate communities to pray with them for special needs. This is also where members can tell everyone how those prayers were answered.

Regional Event Planning – Plan and promote special events with affiliate college communities.

Outreach Ministry – A separate area for long term projects such as mission trips or soup kitchens. These areas can each have their own mission statement and any of the other website features.

Safe Ride Sharing – This GPS enabled feature enables students heading home to share their home town zip codes and find other students in their group or affiliate groups who live nearby or share part of the same route home.

Books to Buy, Sell or Trade – Students can post free Craig’s List style classified ads.

Donations and Pledges – Add fund raising drives for charitable needs in your community to your website and promote them with the Promotion Publisher.

Custom Surveys and Polls – Create quick questionnaires to gather information, test ideas, rank priorities, or just find out who is actually planning to attend an event. Even send them to affiliate member groups.

Multimedia eCards – Select from hundreds of custom made designs from silly to serious with artwork, animation, music, and sound effects. You can personalize them with your text and send them automatically (like birthday cards) or individually.

Resource Directory – This is where you save and categorize bookmarks, favorites and links to special web resources endorsed by your ministry team.

Media Reviews – This is an area where students and ministry leaders can give their opinions on the latest movies, TV shows, video games and music.

Alumni – A blog page to stay connected with alumni members.

Subscriptions – Subscribe to news feeds from affiliate partners and traditional internet news outlets. Create and broadcast your own news articles and creative publications.

Mission Statement Declaration – Here groups can build a strong statement that tells everyone the purpose of your group and what you believe. Browse uploaded mission statements from other groups for ideas and inspiration.

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